Thursday, 25 April 2013

A round-up of posts

Dear readers who stumble across this blog, apologies that April has flown by and I have hardly made any posts. But here is a quick round-up of posts that I made on the School blog:
I am also still playing around with podcasts and have this one on the BRICS summit (in Afrikaans):

Friday, 5 April 2013

The forgotten social networking channel

We all saw this picture of vintage social networking on Facebook and Twitter this week and it rings true. All the things that I now use apps for have a off-line, real world equivalent.

I also receieved a bunch of monthly updates at the start of April and realised that one important service is missing here: SlideShare. If you have a look at the SlideShare site it is clear that it is not forgotten, but I know few academics that know about it or use it. That is a shame. I am always amazed at the views and downloads of my slides. If you are in academia, you should be sharing resources on SlideShare. Just have a look at the latest stats:

Who would have thought that so many people would be interested in an EViews tutorial on structural breaks?