Moving offices and attending meetings means that I am writing fewer posts than I would like to. I really wanted to do one about the stuff I discovered when pack up the old office - notes from my PhD, the handbook for new lecturers 1999 etc. But leaving nostalgia aside, once in a while I do management work that also makes for good blog content. Here's a re-post of the one I wrote for the School blog on lecturer evaluation:
In his book Blink, Malcolm Gladwell writes about people’s
ability to “thin slice’ – to judge what is good or important from a
narrow period of experience. He goes on to argue that having too much
information can interfere with the accuracy of a judgement.
Putting all that to one side, the NWU-Puk has for some time been
asking students what makes for a good lecturer? Formally these are known
as lecturers’ evaluation and normally it takes place towards the end of
a semester, ideally in all courses. We don’t ask students for their gut
feel on who are the good lecturers, we ask them about the
characteristics of good lecturers using a questionnaire. Is there a case
for thin slicing, or does our analysis approach yield results?
Now, I have been to a faculty council meeting where the questionnaire
has been pulled apart and people congratulated on their results in
almost the same breath. Some Schools use the “old” ones, Institutional
academic support services have developed one and then there is the “new”
version. A number of Faculties use their own questionnaires because
they are different.
Being Economists, our School decided to bring some rigour to the
debate. In the first semester of 2012 we used the e-learning platform to
administer the “new” questionnaire and with that data, we now have some
clues as to what students think makes for a good lecturer.The
questionnaire has 25 items that students score on a 4-point scale from
strongly disagree to strongly agree. The items include things like: The
lecturer plans thoroughly and prepares thoroughly for contact sessions.
Or, the lecturer makes use of multimedia in support of learning. The
lecturer may also explain the relevance of concepts and theories, or
explain the relationship between theory and practice. So what is it that
the high-scoring lecturers do? I have always argued that being
well-prepared and enthusiastic is more than half the battle. To see what
different constructs make up that elusive “good/great” lecturer we used
factor analysis to analyse our data.
We have responses from seven undergraduate courses in Economics,
International Trade and Risk Management, ranging from first years
through to third years, and a total of 1962 observations. There are 12
lecturers involved.
The KMO measure of sampling adequacy was .975, which shows that the
data are suitable for factor analysis and the principle component
analysis extracted three factors, explaining 50% of the variation in the
construct “good/great” lecturer. After a Varimax rotation the items are
grouped as follows:
Component 1
Component 2
Component 3
The lecturer is on time for classes | The lecturer makes use of the study guide during contact sessions | The lecturer encourages students to attend learning support on campus when their performance is weak |
The lecturer makes use of multimedia in support of learning / makes effective use of visual aids | The lecturer bases assessments on learning outcomes as stated in the study guide | The lecturer encourages students to work together during contact sessions |
The lecturer plans thoroughly and prepares thoroughly for contact sessions | The lecturer explains how outcomes will be assessed | The lecturer encourages students to participate in the class discussions |
The lecturer is friendly towards students | The lecturer presents study material in an organised manner as set out in the study guide | The lecturer encourages students to make a greater effort in their studies |
The lecturer offers support and assistance when requested to do so | The lecturer states learning outcomes I have to master for every contact session | The lecturer presents contact sessions that are valuable learning opportunities for me |
The lecturer promotes an atmosphere of mutual respect | The lecturer explains the relationship between study units | The lecturer explains the relationship between theory and practice |
The lecturer uses a level of language that I can understand | The lecturer refers to relevant and recent developments in the subject | |
The lecturer assesses assignments and projects fairly and transparently | ||
The lecturer gives feedback on tests and assignments within a reasonable time | ||
The lecturer explains the relevance of concepts and theories |
Component 1 seems like the baseline characteristics of a good
lecturer – being friendly, accessible, fair, offering support, an
all-round professional that can explain the work. It accounts for 19% of
the variance in the data. Component 2 looks like the things that you
have to learn to become a good lecturer. It is not only about knowing
your field, you also need to know a bit about formulating outcomes,
action verbs, putting it into a study guide and using it. This explains
15% of the variance. Component 3 looks like it is about the enthusiasm
and adding value – engaging with the students. And it explains another
15% of the variance. The other 50% of the variance is not explained by
these three constructs. What describes the other half of being a great
lecturer? I would love to hear how students/ lecturers think we can
measure that magic. Or should we just thin slice and ask the students to
score the lecturer out of a 100?
Finally, I am glad to say that my colleagues in the School did really well in these evaluations and should take a bow.